Source code for openpaperwork_core.promise

import logging
import threading
import traceback

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BasePromise(object): def __init__( self, core, func=None, args=None, kwargs=None, parent=None, hide_caught_exceptions=False ): # we allow dummy Promise with not function provided. It allows to # write cleaner code in some cases. self.core = core self.func = func self.hide_caught_exceptions = hide_caught_exceptions if args is None: self.args = () else: self.args = args if kwargs is None: self.kwargs = {} else: self.kwargs = kwargs self.parent = parent self._then = [] self._catch = [] self.scheduled = False self.parent_promise_return = None self.created_by = traceback.extract_stack() def __str__(self): return "Promise<{}>({})".format(str(self.func), id(self)) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def then(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(callback, BasePromise): assert args is None or len(args) <= 0 assert kwargs is None or len(kwargs) <= 0 last_promise = callback while callback.parent is not None: callback = callback.parent next_promise = callback next_promise.parent = self else: next_promise = Promise( self.core, callback, args, kwargs, parent=self ) last_promise = next_promise if not next_promise.hide_caught_exceptions: next_promise.hide_caught_exceptions = self.hide_caught_exceptions self._then.append(next_promise) return last_promise
[docs] def catch(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): self._catch.append((callback, args, kwargs)) return self
[docs] def on_error(self, exc, hide_caught_exceptions=False): self.scheduled = False hide_caught_exceptions = ( hide_caught_exceptions or self.hide_caught_exceptions ) if len(self._catch) > 0: if hide_caught_exceptions: trace = lambda *args, **kwargs: None # NOQA: E731 else: trace = LOGGER.warning caught = "caught" elif len(self._then) > 0: for t in self._then: t.scheduled = False t.on_error(exc, hide_caught_exceptions) return else: trace = LOGGER.error caught = "uncaught" trace("=== %s exception in promise ===", caught, exc_info=exc) trace("promise.func=%s", self.func) trace("promise.args=%s", self.args) trace("promise.kwargs=%s", self.kwargs) trace("promise.parent=%s", self.parent) trace( "promise.parent_promise_return=%s", self.parent_promise_return ) trace("=== Promise was created by ===") for (idx, stack_el) in enumerate(self.created_by): trace( "%2d: %20s: L%5d: %s", idx, stack_el[0], stack_el[1], stack_el[2] ) if len(self._catch) > 0: for (c, args, kwargs) in self._catch: self.core.call_one( "mainloop_schedule", c, exc, *args, **kwargs ) return raise exc
def _do(self, args): try: finally: self.scheduled = False
[docs] def schedule(self, *args): scheduled = self.scheduled s = self while s.parent is not None: scheduled = scheduled or s.scheduled s.scheduled = True s = s.parent s.scheduled = True if scheduled: # a parent promise already scheduled --> we made sure to mark # all the children promises as scheduled, but there is no # need to actually schedule the parent. return if args == (): args = None self.core.call_one("mainloop_schedule", s._do, args)
[docs] def wait(self): assert ( # must never be called from main loop. threading.current_thread().ident != self.core.call_success("mainloop_get_thread_id") ) event = threading.Event() out = None def wakeup(r=None): nonlocal out out = r self.then(event.set) event.wait() return out
[docs]class Promise(BasePromise): """ Executed in the main loop thread. Requires a plugin implementing the interface 'mainloop'. """
[docs] def do(self, parent_r=None): self.parent_promise_return = parent_r try: if self.func is None: our_r = None else: if parent_r is None: args = self.args else: args = (parent_r,) + self.args LOGGER.debug( "Promise: Begin: %s(%s, %s)", self.func, args, self.kwargs ) our_r = self.func(*args, **self.kwargs) LOGGER.debug( "Promise: End: %s(%s, %s)", self.func, args, self.kwargs ) for t in self._then: self.core.call_one("mainloop_schedule", t._do, our_r) except Exception as exc: self.on_error(exc)
[docs]class DelayPromise(BasePromise): """ Promise adding delay between 2 other promises. Requires a plugin implementing the interface 'mainloop' """ def __init__(self, core, delay_s): super().__init__(core) self.delay_s = delay_s def __str__(self): return "DelayPromise<delay_s={}>({})".format(self.delay_s, id(self)) def _call_then(self, parent_r): for t in self._then: self.core.call_one("mainloop_schedule", t._do, parent_r)
[docs] def do(self, parent_r=None): LOGGER.debug("Promise: delay: %fs", self.delay_s) self.core.call_one( "mainloop_schedule", self._call_then, parent_r, delay_s=self.delay_s )
[docs]class ThreadedPromise(BasePromise): """ Promise for which the provided callback will be run in another thread, leaving the main loop thread free to do other things. Requires a plugin implementing the interface 'mainloop' and a plugin implementing the interface 'thread'. IMPORTANT: This should ONLY be used for long-lasting tasks that cannot be split in small tasks (image processing, OCR, etc). The callback provided must be really careful regarding thread-safety. """ def __str__(self): return "ThreadedPromise<{}>({})".format(str(self.func), id(self)) def _threaded_do(self, parent_r): try: if parent_r is None: args = self.args else: args = (parent_r,) + self.args LOGGER.debug( "Threaded promise: Begin: %s(%s, %s)", self.func, args, self.kwargs ) our_r = self.func(*args, **self.kwargs) LOGGER.debug( "Threaded promise: end: %s(%s, %s)", self.func, args, self.kwargs ) for t in self._then: self.core.call_one("mainloop_schedule", t._do, our_r) except Exception as exc: self.core.call_one("mainloop_schedule", self.on_error, exc)
[docs] def do(self, parent_r=None): self.parent_promise_return = parent_r try: if self.func is None: # no thread, we immediately schedule the next promises for t in self._then: self.core.call_one("mainloop_schedule", t._do, None) return self.core.call_one("thread_start", self._threaded_do, parent_r) except Exception as exc: self.on_error(exc) return